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Entrepreneurial Journey

Would you like to expand your business footprint?
Have you ever taken any professional help in raising capital?

Is capital requirement a major constraint in expanding your business?

There are opportunities where restructuring of existing loans allows for an efficient balance sheet management.

Have you considered this?

Is your surplus company money invested for low volatility and immediate liquidity with reasonable returns?

Would you like to know more?

Are you looking to collaborate and expand your engagements with other institutional stakeholders?

Cinnamon Lite

DIY Platform

At Cinnamon Wealth, we understand & value your expertise in choosing the right investment options for yourself. Cinnamon Wealth will complement your investment process by providing research, a digital interface for transactions & performance reporting & on-demand assistance.


Cinnamon Engage

Active Engagement

Cinnamon Engage provides personalised attention to your investment requirements. Proactive insights on markets & products are complemented with phygital transaction processing capability & robust digital interface for performance reporting of your investments.


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